Saturday, April 4, 2015

Be careful, I love you, stay in touch.

I have to trust Her.
I recently got into a argument with her because I felt like she was holding information back from me on her and another guy.
and it blew up in my face.
I want to forget that Ever happen.
I'm trying to. 
But the lingering keeps happening.
I want this to work so that when we meet it will mean something.
I have to trust her.
I've been down rpads where the women I had feelings for from a distance I couldn't trust. And they ended bad. 
I don't want this from her. Because she says she values and considers my feelings. 
And I believe her on that.
my anxiety plays tricks on me.
 but also my friends tell me the scenarios that this could be in. I don't want to believe that.
but again it doesn't seem that way.
but I have to trust her.
I have to tell myself this is real.
and she is real.
and in the end, it will be worth it. 
Because I want to be the one to be her BEST FRIEND In the world.
I've worked my way to being the there for her for more than two years. 
I refuse to let this end With nothing.
she is my Robin.
and I am her bruce.
because she's my partner in crime.
more than a potential soul mate but a partner.
equal in hearts and mind.
If there is a god, let her be the one for me.
*Jurai  Or Die*

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